
As a general purpose productivity tool, Outline Processors are capable of supporting a wide range of activities: maintaining a knowledge base of your research activities; organizing your notes from lectures or meetings; tracking the tasks from your projects; or drafting, revising & editing your documents.

The Outliner of Giants enables you to publish this work directly to the web in one of three formats: as an outline, as a page, or as a blog.

Published outlines

Published outlines most closely resemble The Outliner of Giants’ editing environment within which your outline was created, and are useful if you have information to share that lends itself to the hierarchical structure of an outline, such as a knowledge base.

Our outline about outliners serves as a knowledge base for those interested in understanding how outliners came to be, and where they might be heading, with each of the outline’s branches forming a separate category that can be unfolded to reveal more information.

Published pages

Published pages display an outline’s contents as a structured document, and are useful for sharing a draft document for comments, or if you just want to publish your finished work online.

As well as the page you are currently viewing, The Outliner of Giants Terms & Conditions page is an example of a published page, with each of the outline’s branches being displayed as a document section.

Published blogs

Published blogs display an outline’s contents as a series of posts, and are useful if you would like to share a log of the progress of a project with friends or colleagues.

The Outliner of Giants’ own blog is an example of a published blog, with each of the outline’s branches being displayed as a separate blog post.

To publish your first outline, page, or blog, simply sign up and create your first outline (it’s free!).